Diabetes UK said the findings highlighted the need for urgent action.
Bridget Turner, from Diabetes UK, said while the figures seemed high, the use of such drugs helped to prevent even more serious problems developing.
And a quarter object to diabetics injecting themselves with insulin in public, the charity Diabetes UK found.
Diabetes UK's first research grant was made in 1936.
Diabetes UK's first voluntary group was set up in 1939; 350 groups are now spread out across the UK.
Diabetes UK also run local support groups throughout the UK.
She was also director of campaigns for Diabetes UK.
Diabetes UK Helps people with diabetes and their families.
He later discovered that someone had been able to set up a monthly direct debit for £500 to Diabetes UK.
Diabetes UK has a risk assessment tool at www.diabetes.org.uk/riskscore where you can check your own chance of developing type 2.