Indeed, one planning department considered this to be its most important role.
Although the project is due to run for another year, the county council's planning department hope information will be made available this summer.
Only the planning department was able to cope with the total analysis of the situation.
However, seek the advice of your local planning department first.
If in doubt, contact the planning department of your local authority.
The program draws from an annual budget of about $140,000, according to the financial planning department.
These lower buildings would be about 15 to 20 percent cheaper to build, the planning department said.
In the last five years, the city's Asian population has increased by more than 100,000, or roughly 13 percent, according to the planning department.
Because the whole lot of you would probably have got lost, shot, or arrested without my work in the planning department.
The planning department has put things aside to do this landscaping plan.