The Buildings Department inspected the site after the accident, determined that it was safe, and allowed work to proceed.
Soon after the accident, the Department of Conservation inspected more than 520 structures, and 65 were closed for repairs.
He said the Fire, Sanitation and Transportation Departments had inspected the structure and found nothing amiss.
At the same time, the city's Department of Buildings and the School Construction Authority inspected about 200 schools to check for structural defects.
The Department of Health inspects every person who intends to emigrate.
The city's Buildings Department inspected the four-story building on Thursday, two days after a fire in its rooftop addition.
The city's Department of Buildings inspected the site the next day but found no deviations from the plans submitted to the city or other substantial violations.
He would not say whether the state's Department of Children and Families had inspected the home or the daughter's living arrangements.
The Department of Health inspects fewer restaurants, and is not expected to meet its goal of 100 percent by the end of the year.
Mr. Schain said the deal had not been made final, but added that Department of Transportation officials had inspected the locomotives.