For decades, the Department of Agriculture insisted there was no difference between "organic" food and conventionally raised crops.
But the city's Department for the Aging insists that changes in the meals system are essential to accommodate changing demographics.
Department of Transportation officials insisted the settlement was unique and would not be a precedent for future safety cases.
The Department of Labor should insist on open accountability on all union spending.
However she said the Department would not insist on the flowerbeds being removed.
However, the Department of Defense and the House insisted these provisions were included.
The Department of Health insisted independent expert advice was "absolutely clear" that children who do not have risk factors should not be vaccinated.
Nonetheless, the Department of Energy insists, the N-reactor is fundamentally safe.
The Department for Work and Pensions, however, has insisted that "everyone who has cancer will get the support they need."
The Department for Transport insisted it took climate change "very seriously".