In 1977, the Department of Justice strongly endorsed legislation which banned the production and dissemination of child pornography.
The Department of the Treasury does not endorse any commercial product, service, process, or enterprise.
The Department for Transport endorsed the scheme in November 2011, with opening planned for 2017.
The state's Department of Health recently endorsed a two-dose measles immunization policy that will become effective next year.
The Department of Health has endorsed this by requiring regional health authorities to establish epidemiological surveys of all stillbirths and neonatal deaths.
He has said publicly that the new protocol departs from the traditional national model, which the Department of Homeland Security has endorsed.
Regardless of the content of other websites, the Department of State does not endorse, recommend, or sponsor any information or material shown on these other websites.
Note that the Department is not responsible for the contents or reliability of hyperlinked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them.
Contrary to the Fanjuls' letter, the Department of Agriculture has endorsed the G.A.O. study, saying that it is "a reasonable report with no major data problems."
The Defense Department and Army leadership today strongly endorse that past judgment and corrective action.