Last week the Privacy Foundation, a Denver-based nonprofit group, released a report criticizing DigitalConvergence for its disclosure practices.
"People there act as if they are exempt from all this," said Jan Williams, of Boycott Colorado, a Denver-based group leading efforts to repeal the amendment.
"Having a dual diploma is a safety valve," said Chris Pipho, a spokesman for the Education Commission for the States, a Denver-based group that tracks educational trends.
"Over the last 30 years we've had all this testing and at the same time everyone seems to agree that things have not gotten better," said Rexford Brown of the Education Commission of the States, a Denver-based group.
The National Urban Indian Council, a Denver-based group that looks out for Indians' interests, says 60 to 80 percent of native Americans are unemployed in most cities, higher than for any other population group.
Mike Johnson (born 1952) is an American experimental rock guitarist and composer, best known as the co-founder and member of the Denver-based avant-rock group Thinking Plague.
"The coal industry has been telling lies for years," says Carolyn Johnson, staff director of the Citizens Coal Council, a Denver-based environmental group.
"People are coming from all over New England to Connecticut," said Chris Pipho, a spokesman for the Education Commission of the States, a Denver-based group that follows education issues and trends.
The Denver-based group recently alerted its 900 members that the initiative represents an "attack" that "undermines the entire nonprofit sector and may produce permanent damage."
The number of abuse reports nationwide has quadrupled from 669,000 in 1976 to 2,694,000 in 1991, according to statistics provided by the American Humane Association, a Denver-based group.