Denied access to them, she successfully pleaded their cause with the mayor.
Denied access by Syria, more than 350 Palestinians remained in "inhumane conditions" on the Syrian border until finally being allowed into the country.
Denied access by the wardens, herded by the rocks, let in by the Trees.
Denied access to a lawyer, he was later transferred to the main Moscow police station on Petrovka Street.
Denied access to European markets, negotiators from third world food-exporting nations were left with no option other than to pack their bags.
Denied access to a university education, yet accepting the need to support herself, Alice tried teaching but following a serious illness turned to journalism.
Denied access to about $6 million in funds, the group has had to rely on fast-dwindling cash reserves to continue to pay salaries.
Denied access to his son and with the court appearance looming, Gallacher began to get increasingly irrational.
Denied access to education and other social services, many devis become deukis.
Denied access to her lawyer, a confession was extracted via 35 days of repeated beatings.