Although both aircraft were lost during the demonstration program, test data proved positive.
There are now 35 states with Federal waivers for 50 demonstration programs around the country.
Efforts at reform, however, are still confined to small demonstration programs like the one here in Denver.
Required the Secretary to report to the Congress on the results of the demonstration program.
That demonstration program had to be curtailed because of real world operations.
This is demonstration program only, and Chrysler stated it has no plans for a production version.
The example below shows the result of 2 passes through (completely futile) demonstration program.
The buses will be part of a demonstration program using alternative fuels to cut pollution.
The most significant of the new steps involves spending $300 million on the nationwide demonstration program next year to gauge how patients feel during treatment.
Before trying anything on a national scale, perhaps we should mount an experimental demonstration program in a few cities where these ideas can be tested.