So the Republican leadership has bowed to Democratic demands that gun control and managed care be considered.
House leaders, who spurned a Democratic demand for a vote today, are understood to be uncertain about whether they would win if they had to allow one.
Mr. Gingrich's defenders are right, of course, that there is a partisan angle to the Democratic demand for a delayed vote.
They say the Democratic demands would actually lead to more partisanship, rather than less.
But Mr. Shelby has balked at Democratic demands to give up his final say over a unified staff.
Mr. Hyde said he had acceded to Democratic demands to eliminate contentious side issues and keep his committee focused on whether President Clinton should be impeached.
They gave in to Democratic demands that 28,000 baggage screeners be made part of the federal work force, at least for three years.
He gave short shrift to Democratic demands that the stimulus contain government spending designed to boost the economy as well.
Mr. Gulotta reduced the proposed borrowing to $17 million, then to $4.6 million, acceding to Democratic demands.
Asked about the Democratic demands for additional documents, Mr. McClellan said, "They have all the information they need."