President Clinton came to the aid of a Democratic congresswoman Tuesday night at a $1,000-a-person fund-raiser in Houston.
Mrs. Kennelly speaks with great enthusiasm about the achievements of her 17 years as a Democratic Congresswoman.
Now 57, Ms. Woolsey is a Democratic Congresswoman from California.
Before then Ms. Ferraro was a Democratic Congresswoman who was known as one of the party's rising stars.
At that moment, on a hot July day in 1974, Jordan, a Democratic Congresswoman from Texas, became an American hero and patriot.
Jack is worried when his girlfriend C.C., the Democratic congresswoman for the state of Vermont, tells him that she wants to go public with their relationship.
As former Democratic congresswoman Patricia Schroeder put it when criticizing abortion opponents, "We don't want to see that kind of goose-stepping over women's rights."
Ms. Kennelly, a former Democratic congresswoman from Connecticut, said her group would alert members to the shortcomings of the House Republican plan.
Nita M. Lowey, the Democratic congresswoman who first wanted to run for Senate: see Green, Mark.
"We can't afford any more economic losses," said Denise Majette, a newly elected Democratic congresswoman from Atlanta, who is staunchly against a referendum.