The trip is meant to help Mr. Bush answer Democratic charges that he has ignored health and other domestic issues.
He could insulate himself somewhat from Democratic charges that he is in part to blame for the crisis because of his handling of budget negotiations.
Mr. Quayle, who himself has been the target of Democratic charges that he knows little about national defense, beamed broadly.
The Bush campaign had denied Democratic charges that it was coordinating with the tax-exempt 527 group.
And it gave way to new Democratic charges that Republicans want to "end Medicare."
And Bush surely wants the Democratic charges to be believed.
Alabama has stayed a Republican state since then, with no major Democratic charge by any contender since then.
Republican supporters of the President are pressing for a long list of objections to protect them against Democratic charges that they opposed benefits for workers.
Republican supporters in Florida sought to capitalize on Democratic charges of voter intimidation with a radio advertisement over the weekend.
While usually avoiding using the phrase, Republicans responded to Democratic charges by pointing out that Democrats had also been involved in similar scandals.