It was during the course of that evening that Haskell was presented by his friends with the honors of the Democratic gubernatorial candidacy.
May 23: Harrison J. Goldin, describing himself as the candidate with "common sense," announces his Democratic candidacy.
No Democratic candidacy can withstand these increasingly common sentiments from black voters.
Their appeal may not have been on personality alone: Mr. Clinton fashioned a new Democratic candidacy by appropriating Republican ideas as his own.
He was considered for the Democratic presidential candidacy in 1880 and 1884.
What of the other Democratic candidacies in that election: was James L. Larocca's an annoyance?
During the 1980s, he campaigned for the Democratic presidential candidacies of Jesse Jackson and Jerry Brown.
This could prove significant because Koch aides have said the Mayor was planning an independent as well as Democratic candidacy.
Speaker Vallone pushed for the referendum and is making it a theme issue in his Democratic candidacy for Governor.
Mr. Bush's bloody nose may encourage new Democratic candidacies.