The Democratic House, to be sure, went along.
This is, in fact, a legislative biography, with a knowing eye for the tensions and fault lines in the Democratic House.
If Congressional seats were allocated in proportion to popular votes, a Democratic House would be a done deal.
"I don't believe you're going to see a Democratic House or Senate wanting to kill reform."
His working relationships with a Democratic House and Senate were solid.
"If it requires an idiotic Democratic House to stop these people from doing what they're doing, then good."
First is to elect a Democratic House that will be responsive to labor's concerns.
The Republican Senate, however, failed to come to agreement with the Democratic House, and the bill died in the conference committee.
In fact, no single group in the House - black, white, Democratic or Republican - is unified on the issue.
In 1876, another congressional investigation under a Democratic House shut down the postal ring for a few years.