For years white Democrats, fearful of political retribution, shied away from the issue, but today several emerged to argue for a new era.
While other Democrats have shied away from left-leaning ideologies, Representative Mike Lowry has practically stitched the "L" word to his cape and flown over Seattle with it.
Democrats shied away from criticizing the war too forcefully, while Republicans shied away from making it a centerpiece of their campaigns.
Democrats in Congress, wary of being tagged as tax-and-spend liberals, have shied away from detailed proposals for increased spending.
It was a policy many Democrats favored in private but shied away from in public, given the political risks involved.
In Missouri, for example, many Democrats shied away from taking on Mr. Bond, who had twice been elected Governor before winning his Senate seat.
Although many Democrats are shying away from him, the Governor has hit the campaign trail.
Perry has repeatedly gone after Romney's time at Bain, often using bloodcurdling language that even liberal Democrats might shy away from.
Democrats shied from any hostile questioning of the two obviously sympathetic witnesses, and Bob Inglis, South Carolina Republican, exulted.
Most Democrats have shied away from advocating a rollback of last year's tax cut.