Although newspapers have run lists and the Democrats have sent instructions to their activists, much of the electorate seems confused.
Democrats didn't send in their first team, and the second string is having a power outage.
The Democrats, who sense a public relations advantage, have not yet sent the trade legislation to President Reagan.
While the Republicans were, like their voters across the nation, sounding a theme of change, the Democrats sent a less certain message.
Instead, he aimed at the millionaire he expects the Democrats to send to the general election.
But several experts in fund raising said they were surprised that the Democrats had sent the letter.
Not only that, they said the Democrats could send in a substitute, if they could find one.
Democrats Abroad sends a delegation to the Democratic National Convention every four years and has done so since 1976.
Democrats have sent $4 million to California since July 1 for all races.
The Democrats, clearly angry, sent the county comptroller a new calculator.