The Democrats reclaim control of the House of Representatives in the 2006 elections, while the Senate elections that same year end in a 50-50 split.
In 2011, Democrats reclaimed the Majority on the City Council, while Republican Scott Johnson was reelected as Mayor.
Can the Democrats reclaim these words?
Six years later Mr. Leichter won his seat in the Republican-controlled Senate while the Democrats were reclaiming the Assembly.
Democrats reclaimed the seat they lost when State Senator Olga A. Mendez of East Harlem left their party and became a Republican.
If Democrats reclaim the House, Mr. Rangel would become the committee's first black chairman.
He argued that the Democrats could reclaim much of their old base among working-class Southern whites by populist appeals.
When the Democrats reclaimed the majority in the next election, he was elected Speaker for the 1913 session.
Democrats should proudly reclaim the values and moral positions that have defined the party in its best moments.
And in Maine, Democrats reclaimed a one-vote majority by winning two special elections.