I have ridden stationary bikes that can move faster than the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate controlled by the Democrat leadership.
"It's not that the Democrat leadership loves national security less," Senator Phil Gramm, Republican of Texas, said.
Nevertheless, the Democrat leadership in the Senate has said they would rather kick the can down the road once again and refuse to work with House Republicans.
The fact that the Democrat leadership and the Obama White House have decided to negotiate the...
I am saddened that some members of the Democrat leadership, who once supported a nearly identical bill 15 years ago, encouraged their caucus to vote against it.
On 2 July 2008, following Stephen's surprise resignation as leader, Rumbles again announced his intention to stand for the Scottish Liberal Democrat leadership.
These far-left groups cowed Democrat leadership into opposing my nomination.
"This latest insult to our troops should come as no surprise since others in the Democrat leadership have declared the war lost," said Representative Geoff Davis, Republican of Kentucky.
Democrat leadership is unable to develop a normal campaign in areas of southern Albania.
"The Democrat leadership is constraining our economy," Mr. DeLay said, in an "energy straitjacket."