But most Republicans, and many Democrats, fear that such a rule would kill off small businesses.
These Democrats fear that the alienated might sit out the electoral process, which would help the Republicans.
Democrats fear a court that will embrace the constitutional rigidities of its most conservative members.
Now some Democrats fear he could hand the party its only defeat in the statewide elections.
Democrats fear that the market for drug insurance would be filled with turmoil as insurers went in and out from year to year.
But some longtime Democrats fear that the body count could grow too high if the unfriendly comments continue.
Some Democrats fear he will ignore their strategy: Make the new administration be the first to ask for a tax rise.
That conflict has yet to heal, and many Democrats fear it will cost their party black votes this fall.
First, the public isn't nearly as eager for a tax cut as Democrats fear.
But few candidates have national stature and some Democrats fear a protracted nomination battle.