The results saw the Liberal Democrats drop 4 seats to lose their majority on the council, while the Conservatives made gains.
But at a subsequent news conference, he said Democrats would drop all references to "grass-roots lobbying" if Republicans would back the rest of the bill.
Democrats on the Thompson committee had considered calling Amway's chairman to testify, but dropped the plan.
Even the Democrats, with an eye toward 2008, have dropped talk of a race for the exits, in favor of a brisk stroll.
The longtime incumbent Democrat dropped 16 points in the rematch.
The Liberal Democrats stayed as the main opposition with 14 seats, but also dropped 3 seats.
Lawmakers said Democrats had since dropped away for several reasons.
Let the Democrats drop their challenges to the Florida election (however meritorious they may be) in exchange for the vice presidency.
The Conservatives went up to 29 seats, while the Liberal Democrats dropped one seat to 20.
This meant the Conservatives stayed on 19 councillors, the Liberal Democrats dropped to 7, and there continued to be 1 independent.