He is notable for being the first Justice from Minnesota, and for being a Democrat appointed by a Republican president.
He was the only Democrat appointed to the Morrow Board, which reviewed the status of aviation in America in the mid-1920s.
Morton was the only Democrat on the SJC, all the other justices having been appointed by Federalists.
For a judge he was quite young, fifty, a Democrat appointed by the governor to fill an unexpired term, then elected by the people.
The commission would consist of 14 prominent citizens, half of them Democrats and half Republicans, appointed by the President and Congressional leaders.
Former Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter, a Democrat appointed by Franklin Roosevelt, is generally seen as the "model of judicial restraint".
Judge Pine was a former U.S. Attorney and Democrat appointed to the District Court by President Roosevelt in 1940.
County Court Judge Lawrence King, the board chairman, is a Democrat appointed by a Democratic governor.
(The F.T.C. is an independent agency, led by Democrats and Republicans appointed by the president.)
The Reaganauts have always been ambivalent about this Democrat appointed by President Carter.