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Meanwhile, the remaining Rangers and Delta operators fought their way to the first crash site, where they found the crew.
Delta operators were inserted onto the roof of the prison by MH-6 Little Bird helicopters.
A Delta operator eliminated the guard who was responsible for killing Muse in case of a rescue.
Their "Precious Cargo" (Muse) was now secure and a Delta operator called in for extraction.
Players also assume the roles of Delta operators in Spec Ops mission and survival games modes.
After the debacle he and other Delta operators were told to "take a vacation" in order to avoid any media scrutiny.
Haney and other Delta operators were assigned to raid a prison thought to hold political prisoners.
Delta operators are granted an enormous amount of flexibility and autonomy.
One more Delta operator was killed several days later when a mortar round struck the compound of Task Force Ranger.
The Delta operators secured the roof, and a team fought to Muse's cell, where they blew down the door and rescued him.