At the Delphi Corporation, which makes electronics and vehicle parts, management has been trying to streamline since the mid-1990's.
Earlier this month, Cerberus and other funds offered to invest up to $3.4 billion in the Delphi Corporation, the auto parts giant.
But the combined company would still be smaller than the industry leader, the Delphi Corporation, which had $27 billion in revenue last year.
The domain was sold to Delphi Corporation, the auto parts manufacturer.
G.M. also will pay for buyouts of 13,000 workers at the Delphi Corporation, its former parts operation.
Thousands more will be created by parts suppliers, like the Delphi Corporation, that have already built plants nearby.
General Motors (in a partnership with Delphi Corporation) has developed this technology for automotive applications.
Businesses continue to lavishly reward executives with excessive bonuses, even in the face of bankruptcy - Delphi Corporation comes to mind.
Fuel cells are developed by Delphi Corporation.
Also in 2002, the company was renamed Delphi Corporation.