Mr. Anderson disputed a report this week in The Delaney Report, an industry newsletter, that Morgan, Anderson was going out of business.
In 2008, Fast Company was named "best publication" by the Delaney Report, an influential media-industry newsletter.
A marketing newsletter, The Delaney Report, reported last week that the 7Up account would soon be placed in review.
The departure came after The Delaney Report, a trade publication, described disputes between Mr. Morris and executives at Dailey who included Cliff Einstein, chairman.
The announcement followed months of speculation in the Delaney Report, a trade newsletter, that the agency's hold on the account, which it had for four years, was loosening.
It was initially reported in a trade newsletter, The Delaney Report, which estimated billings at $10 million to $15 million.
But a newsletter, The Delaney Report, which had reported that Bryan might shift agencies, suggested other Sara Lee business could follow.
Joanne M. Davis, the president of the agency, disputed a report this week in the newsletter The Delaney Report that the agency had gone out of business.
Stephen Dolan, a spokesman for the lottery in Schenectady, N.Y., confirmed reports of the review this week in Adweek and The Delaney Report.
"It's the end of a long, rocky marriage," said Tom Delaney, publisher of The Delaney Report, an advertising industry newsletter.