The fighting was between residents of the Bogside area (allied under the Derry Citizens' Defence Association) and the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC).
The Norges Forsvarsforening (NFF) [Norwegian Defence Association] wants a debate about the "form and content" of the day.
The Derry Citizens' Defence Association was formed initially by republicans, who then invited other nationalists to join.
The murder of Leonidas Vargas also led to calls by the Patients' Defence Association and other advocacy groups calling for better security measures in Spanish hospitals.
"A Brief History of Civil Defence", Published by the Civil Defence Association, 2005.
On the web site of the AeroSpace Industries and Defence Association of Europe you can find the corresponding organizations of the GIFAS in other countries.
Ulster Defence Association (UDA) (1971-present).
In 1996, the Conference of Defence Associations Institute named him winner of the Vimy Award.
In the early 1970s police were briefly excluded from the area by the Rathcoole Defence Association (RDA), a move that reflected a wider pattern in Northern Ireland.
The Defence Association cited by McCann was the Derry Citizens' Defence Association, set up before 12 August and largely promoted by Republicans.