Both Deer Lodge and Silver Bow County have more liberal voting records, though, this is likely due to strong union support in the two counties.
From Kalispell to Deer Lodge to Livingston, the forest products industry is creating good-paying jobs.
Deer Lodge (unincorporated)
Bozeman came to Deer Lodge in western Montana in 1862 after his mining claims in Colorado failed.
Many in and near Deer Lodge, a farming and ranching town of 5,000, oppose the large-scale soil removal, as the draft proposed.
He managed to instill some reforms before, in 1959, a riot kept the prison and the town of Deer Lodge on edge for thirty-six hours.
Deer Lodge and back every day?
So they moved into Pond's cottage, only using Deer Lodge itself for fetching changes of clothes.
In 1866, he began a ranching empire by purchasing a ranch near Deer Lodge from former Canadian fur-trader Johnny Grant.
In 1902, Kohrs and his wife, Augusta, built a library in Deer Lodge for $30,000, as a memorial to their son.