The December figure was the highest monthly level of 1990.
This was down from $5.6 billion in October, and the December figure is likely to be much higher.
Both are lower than the December figures, despite continued economic growth that has knocked the unemployment rate down to 5 percent.
And a revision in the December figure slashed an initially reported 31,000 gain to just 3,000.
However, according to December 2009 figures, there appeared to be 79 child abduction cases involving 100 children.
The December figure looks like it will be close to that level as well.
However, the improved December retail figures masked concerns about future months.
This suggests that there is a real issue of women losing access to jobs; although the December figures may show some reversal.
When the December figures come in, they are expected to push the total beyond that of 1989.
That isn't great, but it's about the same as the December figure.