It is unclear what will happen in the world trade talks if the Dec. 15 deadline passes without a deal.
Candidates have been scrambling to raise funds before the Dec. 10 deadline.
He said the Dec. 1 deadline "is an unusually short period."
The commission is debating that plan this week to meet a Dec. 1 deadline to report to the president.
The town has given its residents, about 40 of whom are white, a Dec. 16 deadline to submit applications.
He missed his Dec. 31 deadline to name the commission.
Facing a Dec. 15 deadline, he is more than $3 million shy of the goal.
"We are still working toward a Dec. 30 deadline for formal bids."
For a while after that argument, the idea of a Dec. 12 deadline slipped from notice.
Wine fans were asked for suggestions and, at the Dec. 20 deadline, some 2,000 had been received.