"When all is said and done, everyone will feel really good about coming together," said Deborah Smith, a volunteer.
But his demeanor changed under cross-examination as the prosecutor, Deborah Smith, bored in on damaging testimony presented earlier in the trial.
A Place To Call Home is a romance novel by Deborah Smith published in 1997.
One of the teachers, Deborah Smith, has praised the system, saying, "it has enabled me to differentiate my teaching to meet the needs of different groups.
"What you have is a pyramid on the brink of collapse, a house of cards ready to fall," the prosecutor, Deborah Smith, told jurors.
Deborah Smith, an Energy Department spokeswoman, said she could not comment on allegations that the agency exerted additional pressure on scientists.
"I was in tears," said Deborah Smith of Scotch Plains, a mental health therapist who has lived with her partner for 14 years.
Deborah Smith is the New York Times bestselling author of more than 35 novels in romance and women's fiction.
When Deborah Smith was called to jury duty, she tried to get out of it.
The festival was founded in 2003 by Deborah Smith.