The first moveable bridge was constructed across the main stem at Dearborn Street in 1834.
There was no place to turn around on Dearborn Street; every driveway had been plowed under.
Honoré was responsible for the assemblage of lots and acreage along Dearborn Street, creating an office and commercial district.
The resulting gap at Dearborn Street was deep enough to require a bridge running roughly north-south.
The courthouse contains 1.4 million gross square feet of space and is set at a right angle to the Federal Building high-rise across Dearborn Street.
Turn left on Dearborn Street, going north.
Go east on Congress Parkway to Dearborn Street.
Go north a couple of blocks on Dearborn Street to 230 South Dearborn.
Without much thinking, she reached Dearborn Street.
Before going, they made off for the Windsor dining-room, which was in Dearborn Street, a considerable distance from Carrie's room.