Dean Stanley once declared him the most accomplished linguist in England.
'Oh, Pennyfeather, before you go, surely you have my copy of Dean Stanley's Eastern Church?'
When he had read it Paul put it on his shelves next to Dean Stanley's Eastern Church.
Dean Stanley in his Lectures described Mr M'Culloch as "no wild fanatic, but a learned, unostentatious scholar, a slow, cautious and prudent parish minister".
Dean Stanley called him "the chief of English Protestant Schoolmen".
Dean Stanley is the district's superintendent.
On the death of Dean Stanley, Boehm was commissioned to execute his sarcophagus in Westminster Abbey.
According to Dean Stanley, "We all meant the same thing if we only knew it."
Bollman, Dean Stanley.
Dean Stanley gave the address at the unveiling ceremony attended by local civil and ecclesiastical dignitaries in July 1875.