Dean Bonham, a sports marketing executive based in Denver, said Leiweke's position was ideal.
"What makes it unique is that the union has no leverage," said Dean Bonham, a sports consultant in Denver.
"With Bill Parcells there, the Jets are a premier team in a major market," said Dean Bonham, a Denver-based sports consultant.
Dean Bonham, who runs a sports marketing firm in Denver, said: "Athletes like Andy Roddick are very appealing to the American public.
"The Nets have been the stepchild to the Knicks for a long time," said Dean Bonham, a sports consultant, who once ran the Denver Nuggets.
Dean Bonham , a sports industry consultant based in Denver, doubts that it will be that easy for the Jets.
"It's good drama," said Dean Bonham, a sports industry consultant.
"I don't think there's any damage" from canceling the season, said Dean Bonham, a sports-industry consultant.
Dean Bonham, a sports business consultant based in Denver, said it may be easier for two major brands like the Jets and Giants to form a partnership.
Dean Bonham, a sports industry analyst, said: "There is no magic solution to keeping fans in the Meadowlands when you're potentially heading for Brooklyn.