"That can't happen in a Darwinian world," he says.
Moving the play online is hardly enough to ensure success in the Darwinian world of video games.
The Darwinian world of the New York City subways is not known for its gentility.
It's a Darwinian world my client inhabits.
In the Darwinian world of electoral politics, where survival goes to the most adaptable, Hillary is a true survivor.
The creators started out simply, two men with a mandoline, seeking to distinguish themselves in the Darwinian world of fancy-food catering.
As pure social conventions, signals of this kind cannot evolve in a Darwinian social world - they are a theoretical impossibility.
It was, after all, a Darwinian world and, like it or not, the fittest would always survive.
In the Darwinian world of prime-time cartoons, humans have proved themselves fittest for survival.
It has lagged behind other titles, like Glamour, in the Darwinian world of women's magazines.