With the help of Engelhardt, the French representative in Danube Commission, armed intervention stop the revolt.
Once a prosperous port and important shipyard, from 1856 to 1939 the seat of the Danube Commission, Sulina has become a disadvantaged location.
It took four years of work by the Danube Commission to remove the debris of bombed bridges and ordnance.
The Danube Commission is concerned with the maintenance and improvement of the river's navigation conditions.
The Danube Commission, which coordinates shipping, said the Danube was now entirely free of debris.
After the war he served on the Danube Commission and was promoted to admiral, but remained out of favour with the Admiralty.
Later, though, the Soviet bloc intimated the downgrading of the Danube Commission.
A stormy debate ensued at the 1965 session of the Danube Commission, where most participants turned down the bid.
The Danube Commission was seen as a bridge between East and West.
It was then when the Danube Commission, an organ still existing today, has been created and the maritime sector of the river built.