He was perhaps the first Danish progressive writer to break with an idealised portrayal of farmers.
He also was one of the only Danish writers of novels and short stories at the turn of 19th century.
Almost all of the Danish writers and prominent persons visited Bakkehuset on a regular basis.
In 1842 he was accused of alcoholism and abandoned from a Cooperation of Danish writers.
Janne Teller (born 8 April 1964) is a Danish writer of fiction.
Dennis Jürgensen (born February 3, 1961) is one of the most popular Danish writer for kids and young adults.
Anders Westenholz, another Danish writer of fantasy and other fantastic literature.
Peter Høeg (born 17 May 1957) is a Danish writer of fiction.
Although a Danish writer he has spent much of his life in the Mediterranean and this is said to have had an influence on his writing.
"He was the first Danish writer to write in the colloquial language," she continued.