The Danish industry was intent on developing existing production systems but was also looking at new systems such as group housing.
"Saab offers Danish industry great opportunities." 'Gripen International', 4 December 2007.
The Swedish film industry was smaller and slower to get started than the Danish industry.
For many years, Mads Stage worked for the Danish medical industry and made a large number of scientific drawings.
FIH was founded in 1958 by initiative from the Danish Government to provide medium and long term capital for the Danish industry.
FLEX is mainly used in the Danish industry.
Before World War I, Denmark gained a foothold on the Russian market, and the Russian Revolution of 1917 cost Danish industry dearly.
After several years of designing for Danish industry, he returned to the United States in 1948.
As Mrs Auken said, Danish industry has got used to the ban and is developing environmentally friendly alternatives.