But isn't that what the Danish cartoons had done, ridicule the faith?
Yet Danish cartoons or a papal speech lead to violent protests.
It was quickly pointed out, by bloggers and others, that this was not one of the 12 Danish cartoons.
European Muslims for the most part have protested the Danish cartoons but kept their protests peaceful.
It is certainly different from the morality of those for whom the Danish cartoons are blasphemy and monstrously evil.
I wonder what would have happened if all the newspapers in the "free" world had published those Danish cartoons of Mohammed?
Where are the Muslims who took to the streets to protest Danish cartoons?
Political and religious leaders here joined in denouncing the Danish cartoons.
Although people are quite specific about those Danish cartoons, anything else is deliberately kept very vague and very general.
This is not entirely theoretical as the case of the Danish cartoons illustrates.