He also told them he was virtually shutting down the Dallas headquarters and the telephone bank that served as the nerve center of his campaign.
In addition, Southland said it was considering layoffs at its Dallas headquarters, but declined to specify how many people might be affected.
One portrait hangs in the lobby of the Dallas headquarters, the other in the executive offices on the eighth floor.
With money supplied from his Dallas headquarters, his supporters have managed to get his name on the ballot in all 50 states.
In a telephone interview from his Dallas headquarters, he said he planned to retire as president and chief executive by the end of the year.
The company's Dallas headquarters received about 1,000 e-mail messages on Thursday alone.
But later in the program he suggested that volunteers who want to enlist in this effort not call his Dallas headquarters.
Mr. Durham's remarks, made during a telephone news conference from the company's Dallas headquarters, were the first public suggestion of that strategy.
Mr. Martin went to Pearle's Dallas headquarters and took over as chairman.
It has moved 200 young technical whizzes out of its Dallas headquarters and freed them from the buttoned-down dress code.