The site contains hundreds of in-depth film and DVD reviews of foreign, classic, and contemporary films from a literary and narrative perspective.
In a DVD review of the sixth season, Ryan Keefer said "all the Australian jabs you expect to have here are present.
DVD review of Follow Me, Boys!
In a DVD review of the first season, David B. Grelck gave the episode a rating of 3/5.
When Everton's commercial department considers titles for the 2011 DVD review, the suggestion 'Same as Last Year' is never far from the lips.
Syndicated columnist Kam Williams harshly criticized the series in a widely circulated DVD review, saying that it was full of "infuriating mistakes".
Last Woman on Earth (DVD review)
In their DVD review of this film, they wrote that that the "DVD itself is no great shakes".
DVD review from South Africa:
Another DVD review from The Digital Bits called it "one of the first season's best loved episodes".