In the DVD special features she tells the story that Dean had a favorite pink cowboy shirt he wore all the time.
The full video is included in the DVD special features.
The DVD features are limited, offering just a few short clips that could be described as videos.
The DVD special features, which include several commentaries and documentaries about the making of the film, were roundly praised.
For instance, we don't have a movie theater in town, but we did give them a DVD viewing feature on their laptops.
He is featured on the DVD special features for the 2011 movie Puss in Boots.
She has been an on-camera participant and voice-over commentator for several DVD features and featurettes.
The show also recommended films coming on the home video market, including comments on DVD special features.
However, only the reviews for theatrical movies get posted on the web site; the weekly DVD feature and "3 to See" segments do not.
The full song was featured on the DVD special features, and is also available on YouTube.