Not only that, but all music stores offering DRM-free music will be forced to come up with new ways to appeal to customers.
We also have to wonder: who is buying DRM-free music with the plans of slapping it up on a P2P share, anyway?
The Pre is able to sync only DRM-free music.
Amazon MP3 was the first online offering of DRM-free music from all four major record companies.
If Universal stays with DRM-free music, expect a lot of "me too" announcements in the near future.
Walmart tried to do that not too long after they started selling DRM-free music.
The availability of DRM-free music is not only good for track sales, it's doing favors for full album sales too.
With news like this, though, they might be more likely to give DRM-free music a try.
Also, the 'big record companies' have given people what they wanted: DRM-free music.
"Our belief is that for 2008, purchased DRM-free music will go mainstream."