DOS 4 users will be familiar with the idea of using a graphical interface, but the DOS 5 shell is far better and much more friendly.
Andy Wyatt, product marketing manager for Lotus Spreadsheets, says: 'There will always be a residue of DOS users.
Even longtime DOS users can benefit from the sections on managing files and fixed disks, creating smart commands, customizing the system to meet special needs and local area networks.
Analysts said that if only 1 percent of DOS users decided to buy the latest upgrade, Microsoft's earnings would rise 20 cents a share, or more than $40 million.
It was originally developed by Intel under the name Object Module Format, and is perhaps best known to DOS users as an .
Since the majority of Doom players were DOS users the first step for a fan project was to port the Linux source code to DOS.
Power users, including those who adopt the OS/2 operating system, will be likely to migrate to version 3.0, while DOS users will still be offered 2.0.
Experienced DOS users discover sooner or later that there are things the disk operating system does not do well, or at all.
For one thing, there are more than 10 million licensed DOS users, and no one knows how many freeloaders.
It is not vi or emacs, but may be familiar to DOS users, as noted in reviews.