Special drive letters were used including H: for the user's home directory and D: for the current working directory when the DOS shell was started.
DOS 4 users will be familiar with the idea of using a graphical interface, but the DOS 5 shell is far better and much more friendly.
DOS version 4.0, in fact, comes with a DOS shell built in.
There is also a chapter on DOS shells, menus and other kinds of programs that shield the user from the unforgiving commands of the operating system.
To this class belong the utility programs - desk organizers, DOS shells and menu builders - that make life with a computer a little easier.
Far too many of the menu programs, DOS shells and other accessory programs that are available require for their inauguration a considerable familiarity with operating systems.
If you use Hyperpad just as a DOS shell and package of utilities, it is fairly straightforward.
SYS to be loaded by the DOS shell.
He got into the DOS shell and checked out other systems, Ionking for damage where experience and cunning told him to.
Temporary DOS shell in nearly every point in the program (swaps itself out)