In 1918 an independent Czechoslovak state was declared.
The treaty contained a clause recognizing the legal continuity since 1918 of the Czechoslovak state.
The private company was closed down and its assets nationalised by the Communist Czechoslovak state in 1953.
It was one of the main suppliers to the Czechoslovak state of military vehicles during the 1930s.
In 1918, following the establishment of the new Czechoslovak state, the activities of the theatre were again restored.
The fact is that in Slovakia, public opinion favors a new arrangement within a Czechoslovak state.
After the confiscation of the château by the Czechoslovak state in 1946, a children's clinic was established here.
The Czechoslovak state was conceived as a parliamentary democracy.
In 1921, it was purchased by the Czechoslovak state and designated as an official summer presidential residence.
The Czechoslovak state expressed an interest in the building.