RITA KLIMOVA, the popular, ebullient Czechoslovak Ambassador to the United States, says she plans to work as long as possible while being treated for malignant leukemia in this country.
Shortly after the war, when Mr. Korbel was the Czechoslovak Ambassador in Belgrade, Josef Marek attended the baptism in the embassy of Ms. Albright's younger brother, Jan.
"There is no stability on the Slovak political stage and this election will not solve any of the problems," said Rudolf Chmel, a former Czechoslovak Ambassador to Hungary and a candidate in the election for the centrist party, the Democratic Union.
After the invasion, Mr. Dubcek was expelled from the party and dispatched to Turkey, where he served as Czechoslovak Ambassador to Ankara.
Korbel was named Czechoslovak Ambassador to communist Yugoslavia, and the family moved to Belgrade.
An anonymous warning was transmitted by the Czechoslovak Ambassador to Hungary, Jozef Púčik, approximately six hours before Soviet troops crossed the border at midnight.
His son Jan, later the Czechoslovak Ambassador to London, played folk songs with great fluency and inventiveness on the piano, and Miss Novotna often sang with him.
Prague Recalls Envoys In late February, the Czechoslovak Ambassadors in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos were recalled to Prague for consultations by the new Government.
The new charter is not expected to be ready for at least a year, but Rita Klimova, the Czechoslovak Ambassador to the United States, said she was impressed by the seriousness with which the Americans and Europeans were offering advice.
Dr. Korbel was a Czechoslovak Ambassador to Yugoslavia and was a dean of the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver.