Thousands of Czech troops fought alongside the British during the war in areas such as North Africa and Palestine.
The Czech troops concerned had been in the gulf region for five months of what was to have been a six-month assignment.
In 1114 the stronghold was captured and destroyed by Czech troops under prince Soběslav, who at the same time reconquered the whole area.
A demonstration on 4 March 1919 passed peacefully, but later that month, six demonstrators were killed by Czech troops after a demonstrations turned unruly.
Some Czech troops sabotaged their equipment rather than let the Slovaks have it.
By 20 May, the last of the Czech troops had arrived in Vladivostok.
Like thousands of gulf war veterans in the United States, many Czech troops have also fallen ill since the war.
Pentagon officials said the Defense Department had never intended to mislead American veterans about the health of the Czech troops.
The remainder were mainly Polish and Czech troops.
In this period, she fought against the Czech interventionist troops between Komárom and Esztergom.