Czech officials say the very small Iraqi Embassy here has usually had only one intelligence officer.
Czech officials said that while some advances had been made, the Cuban government continued to repress dissidents and to limit freedom of expression.
In response to criticisms, Czech officials have denied that the law is discriminatory.
"He got to be a general through his friends," a Czech military official who was not one of the general's admirers said after the defection.
International organizations have urged Czech officials to change the law, but so far they have made no move to do so.
He then filed plans with Czech and German officials to build a new bridge, which is when his troubles began.
Organizers and Czech officials expect 20,000 to 50,000 protesters - some peaceful, some not - to come here.
Czech officials tried and failed to land a new BMW factory last summer.
Hungarian, Czech and Slovak officials are making similar complaints to the community.
Czech officials said compromise legislation was likely in a year or two.