The great antiquity of the city is attested by the remains of its cyclopean walls.
Cyclopean walls surround the palace and a wide road leads up to the entrance.
There were also stones glued together with mud, forming Cyclopean walls.
The American's eyes moved instinctively toward the grim cyclopean walls.
The remains of Cyclopean walls can be seen on the heights above the modern town.
The town also contains remnants of ancient cyclopean walls.
The fort of Mycenae was built on a hill, surrounded by Cyclopean walls.
The architecture, apart from the Cyclopean walls, suggested that of Knossos.
It was a great town, surrounded by a Cyclopean wall of boulders, about which the river ran on every side, forming a natural moat.
Archaeologists so far have uncovered large cyclopean walls with towers that surrounded the settlement.