Dredd was unaware of their existence until he met them in the Cursed Earth in 2129.
Back in the Cursed Earth, suicides go up among the mutants who had to return home.
As such, from the war until about 2100, no one crossed the Cursed Earth by land.
Cadets are tested by being taken on a 'hotdog run' into the Cursed Earth to make or break them.
In the Cursed Earth, villagers come across a man, burnt from head to toe, with no memory of who he is or what happened to him.
He then resigned as a judge and took the 'Long Walk' into the Cursed Earth.
Chopper makes his way over the 'west wall' into the Cursed Earth.
This is a training mission into the Cursed Earth, in order to test the cadets under combat conditions; fatalities are not unknown.
Various farms, prisons, and protectorate townships in the Cursed Earth.
He considered himself working for the Cursed Earth itself, keeping it free of life.