Space on the Cunard ships is selling out, a spokeswoman, Julie Davis, said.
She was the first Cunard ship of that name.
She was the first large ocean liner to be built of steel instead of iron, and the first Cunard ship to have an electric lighting installation.
Campania and Lucania had the largest triple expansion engines ever fitted to a Cunard ship.
Those who still want to cruise the Caribbean are offered a number of alternative choices on Cunard ships.
"It doesn't say speed and grace and beauty" the way the old Cunard ships did, he said, gazing up at the ship's vast hull.
There is also an extensive collection of large scale models of Cunard ships throughout the QE2.
In 1934, another big Cunard ship, the RMS Queen Mary, began service.
Many Cunard ships had been named for parts of the Roman Empire and had names that ended in "ia".
"This is where you make or lose money," Mr. Ward said, noting that Cunard ships call at 360 ports worldwide.