Leaders of the Cuban-American group vowed to return to the site this week to strew flowers on the water.
Those who advocate a blockade, like some Cuban-American groups, are advocating "extreme positions," he said.
Nonetheless some leaders of Cuban-American groups said they had assurances from the Administration that nearly all the children would eventually be admitted.
Rather than calling another protest, leaders of Cuban-American groups carpeted the sidewalk outside the house with pink, yellow and red carnations.
Cuban-American groups said they were outraged that the Administration did not consult with them.
Cuban-American groups, nevertheless, hold out such a hope.
The decision to turn away Cubans pleased Florida officials, but it angered many Cuban-American groups.
Hard-line Cuban-American groups object to any easing of restrictions.
Administration officials said tonight that they had adopted the new policy only after consulting with Cuban-American groups.
But many Cuban-American groups would attack any move to soften the embargo.